How to order
To place an order online, please follow the below steps:
- Add a product to your basket by clicking on “Order” in the selected product page.
• Select the size and quantity you would like to order.
• Complete your order by clicking on “My Cart” and then “Proceed to checkout”.
• You can modify or validate your basket and select your delivery method before making your payment.
• You will be asked to complete your delivery and billing address by selecting one of the following three options:
- Log In: This enables access to your personal account.
- Create an Account: This option allows you to create your SUVO.CO profile for future purchases.
- Continue as Guest: This option enables you to place an order without creating an account, but your order history will not be saved.
• Fill in the information of your billing address to complete your order.
• Within a few minutes, you will receive an email confirming your order along with your digital receipt.
• When your order is shipped, you will receive a second email with a tracking number so that you can track the delivery of your package.
Our Customer Care team is happy to assist you along the way. Please contact us here for more information.